University Of Alkafeel
University Life
Scientific Research
University of Alkafeel Holds Workshop on Use of Artificial Intelligence to Lessen Effects of Climate Change
2025 - 02 - 18

University of Alkafeel held a workshop : "Using Artificial Intelligence to Lessen Effects of Climate Change: Predicting and Reducing Carbon Emissions" on Tuesday 18/2/2025, on the margins of Fourth Annual Career Fair and the First Annual Sustainability Exhibition, which was organized under the supervision of the Alkafeel Center for Information Technology and the Department of Information Technology, and in collaboration with College of Technical Engineering.

    The workshop addressed the importance of artificial intelligence, which has recently become an important tool used directly in addressing climate change and mitigating its effects. The introductory lecture came to shed light on : "Using Artificial Intelligence to Mitigate the Effects of Climate Change: Predicting and Reducing Carbon Emissions", which is one of the lectures in the activities of the Fourth Annual Career Fair and the First Annual Sustainability Exhibition.

    The lecture was presented by Asst.Lect. Ali Fouad Al-Hamami, a lecturer at the College of Engineering at University of Alkafeel , as he reviewed the role of artificial intelligence in predicting and reducing carbon emissions, referring to the importance of employing modern technologies in facing environmental challenges.

     The workshop was attended by a number of lecturers, university members, students , students from the Islamic University of Najaf and students from the University of Kufa. In a statement, the Director of the Information Technology Department at University of Alkafeel , Asst. Lect. Dr. Ali Abdul Zahra, stressed the importance of these workshops in enhancing environmental awareness and highlighting technical solutions that contribute to achieving environmental sustainability.