جامعة الكفيل
عن الجامعة
الحياة الجامعية
البحث العلمي
الكلية الملكية – لندن-انكلتره
كلية الطب
البحوث المنشورة دوليا-:
A study of methods of resistance of Pseudomonas bacteria to antibiotics - African
Microbiology Journal 2006
البحوث المنشورة محليا:
1.The value of ECG in patients with acute myocardial infarction,kufa
medical journal 1988.
2.Study of lung function for kufa cement factory workers, kufa university
journal, 1998.
3.Effects of economic embargo on nutritional status of school children Babylon
university journal,1999.
4.Use of sialic acid in diagnosis of acute myocardial infarction,kufa medical
5.Use of Griseofulvin in treatment of cutaneous lishmaniasis kufa medical
6.Effect of ciprofloxacin on seminal fluid characterestics in sterile
7.Comparative study of the enzymes creatine kinase&lactic acid
dehydrogenase in patients with acute myocardial infarction befoe &after
dexamethasone,kufa medical journal,2001.
8.Study of differences made by age&gender in patients angina pectoris,kufa
medical journal,2001.
9.Homocystine-liked Protein C in expermental laboratory animals inflicted
with homocystinemia,kufa medical journal,2001.
10.Characteristics of the positive triadmil test for patients with angina pectoris
, Kufa Medical Journal, 2001.
11.Treatment of hemorrhagic susceptibility to uremic patients by inhalation of
desmopressin. Kufa Medical Journal,
12.Electrical polarization of alkaline phosphatase enzyme ,Babylon university
13.Treatment of bleeding diathesis in uraemic patients by inhalation of
desmopressin,kufa medical journal,2001.
14. A study of creatine kinase analogues for patients with viral hepatitis B
type. Babylon University Journal,
15.Measurement of white blood cell count&blood filtration capability in
patients with peripheral arterial disease,kufa medical journal,2002.
16.Prevalence of goiter disease in secondary schools for girls in Hilla city,
Iraqi Journal of community medicine, 2002.
17.Prevalence of hypertension in patients with diabetes mellitus,kufa .
medical journal,2002.
18.Effect of sex factor on the diagnostic ability of traidmill test in patients
with angina pectoris,Baghdad university college of medicine journal,2002.
19.Study of creatine kinase analogues in liver cancer patients, Al-
.Mustansiriya University journal for Basic Medical Sciences 2003
20.The use of electrocardiography in the treatment of patients with coronary artery
disease as an economically feasible treatment method, Al-Mustansiriya University
21.The effect of passive smoking on lung function, Babylon Medical College
journal, 2010.
22.Comparison of antiplatelet agents in terms of their effect on the clinical
outcomes of coronary stent implantation in patients with coronary artery
disease,Kufa medical journal,2012.
23.The effect of high blood sugar level on the effectiveness of thrombolytic
drugs in with acute myocardial infarction,kufa medical journal ,2014.
24.Study of the enzyme cystacin C in patients with acute coronary
insufficiency syndrome, Kufa Medical Journal,2016.
 رئيس قسم الطب -كلية الطب – جامعة الكوفة -1987 1994ا
 عميد كليه الطب -جامعة الكوفة للفترة 1994 الى 2001
 عميد كلية الطب -جامعة بابل 2