University Of Alkafeel
University Life
Scientific Research
Department of Anesthesia Techniques Conducting Scientific Lecture on Role of Microbiota in Human body
2024 - 12 - 29

The Department of Anesthesia Techniques at the College of Medical and Health Technologies at University of Alkafeel organized a scientific lecture : "Role of Microbiota in the Human Body", on Sunday 12/29/2024. Being presented by Asst. Lect. Banin Abdul Hussein Rashid and Asst.Lect. Zahraa Haider Redha, the lecture dealt with the importance of microorganisms (microbiota) and their vital role in enhancing immunity, producing vitamins, and breaking down complex molecules. The factors affecting their diversity were also highlighted, such as diet and the use of antibiotics.

    The lecture concluded with recommendations stressing the need to eat healthy food and reduce the excessive use of antibiotics to enhance the role of microbiota in the long term.