University Of Alkafeel
University Life
Scientific Research
Midterm Exams Commencing with Modern Technologies.
2024 - 10 - 19

The Deanery of the College of Medicine at University of Alkafeel  announced the start of the midterm exams for students on Saturday, October19,2024. The exams were held in smart classrooms using the "Al-Siraj" educational platform, which is one of the digital platforms adopted by the university to enhance the educational process through modern technologies.

     The deanery, in collaboration with the administrative and academic  departments, supervised the examination process, interacting with student inquiries and answering their questions to ensure a suitable exam environment. The deanery reaffirmed its commitment to providing an innovative educational environment that contributes to developing the skills of the students and enhances their academic experience.

    In this context, the college expressed its best wishes for the success of the students and encouraged them to make the most of this opportunity to deepen their knowledge using modern educational technologies.