University Of Alkafeel
University Life
Scientific Research
Central Library Participating in Workshop on Measuring and Evaluating the Impact of the Library Services
2024 - 10 - 16

The Central Library at Al-Kafeel University participated in a specialized workshop : "Measuring, Evaluating and Demonstrating the Impact of Library Services", which was organized by the Information Systems and Indexing Center , pertinent to Library and Manuscript House at Holy Al-Abbas Shrine , in cooperation with the Regional Committee for the Middle East and North Africa of the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA MENA RDC). The workshop was held on Wednesday 10/16/2024.

    Lect. Narjes Ghaleb Muhammad, Library incharge, participated in the workshop, with a number of librarians and employees working in the Central Library. The workshop was lectured by Prof. Dr. Saif Al-Jabri, IFLA Regional President for the Middle East and North Africa, and Asst. Lect. Walid Badi, Director of the Amman Council Library.

    The workshop focused on the importance of developing tools for measuring and evaluating the services provided by libraries, by focusing on tangible results and impacts, rather than limiting themselves to traditional measures such as the number of books borrowed or the number of visitors. The workshop also addressed the increasing role of libraries in modern society, as they are now expected to provide more than just access to books, by organizing cultural and scientific events and attracting the public. The lecturers stressed the need for librarians in the 21st century to have the skills necessary to effectively evaluate the work of libraries, by understanding the actual impact of their services on society and users.