University Of Alkafeel
University Life
Scientific Research
Holy Al-Abbas Shrine Participation in Baghdad Conference: Supporting Private-Public Sectors  Collaboration
2024 - 04 - 27

The Baghdad International Fair witnessed the first collaborative conference between the private and public sectors on Saturday, April 27, 2024, under the auspices of the Higher Committee for Facilitating Procedures and Government Services, on the slogan “At Your Service.” The Holy Shrine of Al-Abbas highlighted its active contribution to this event through the Al-Kafeel Information Technology Center ,the University of Alkafeel.

 In a statement by the center director, Mr. Samer Al-Safi, he affirmed that the center pavilion at the fair showcased real partnerships with multiple ministries and emphasized the importance of the private sector role in facilitating services and promoting comprehensive development in Iraq.

It is worth noting that the conference aims to streamline procedures and promote cooperation between the private and public sectors to increase thecompletion and accelerate the delivery of services, which upgrades prosperity and comprehensive development in the country.