University Of Alkafeel
University Life
Scientific Research
Fourth Student Scientific Conference Commencing at University of Alkafeel: Strengthening Scientific Research and Encouraging Students to Innovation
2024 - 04 - 22

Under the aegis of the University of Alkafeel rector, the activities of the Fourth Scientific Student Conference at University of Alkafeel commence on Monday, April 22, 2024 , and certain university heads were in attendance : the university rector, Prof. Dr. Nawras Mohammed Shaheed Al-Dahan, the Vice Rector, Asst. Prof. Dr. Nawal Ayed Al-Mayali, and a number of academic figures, to show a unique participation of a number of prominent Iraqi universities. For two days the conference “ Scientific Research: Originality and Creativity," will continue to see the College of Dentistry at university of Baghdad , the Faculties of Pharmacy and Law at Al-Kufa University, the College of Dentistry at Karbala University, Medical Pharmacy at Jabir Ibn Hayyan University and University of Alkafeel presenting their research efforts in various academic fields. The number of submitted research papers was "22" scientific papers. 

The conference was inaugurated with reciting verses from the Holy Quran by the reciter : Ali Al-Zaidi from the Holy Quran Institute /Al-`Abbas Holy Shrine in Najaf Ashraf, then Surat Al-Fatiha was recited for the souls of the martyrs of Iraq, the national Iraqi anthem and the anthem of Alaba were introduced . The Dean of the College of Pharmacy, Asst. Prof. Dr. Saad Mashkoor Walid Al-Zaidi, delivered the universityword to welcome the attendees, the respected refereesand supervisors, and stressed the university commitment to strengthening scientific research and encouraging students to be creative and serve the community.

    The conference falls within the context the University of Alkafeel orientation to stimulate students , discover their energies, encourage them to innovate and excel in various academic and scientific fields . In doing so , it will give so great a benefit for the society and comprehensive development.

Thus, the University of Alkafeel gives priority to the building of a generation capable of contributing effectively to the development of its society and raising the level of academic and social life in Iraq.